In Illinois, once your license is revoked for a DUI the burden is on the motorist to prove he is worthy of driving again. Many individuals have misconceptions about driver’s license reinstatement after a DUI revocation. One common misconception is that reinstatement should be granted merely because many years have elapsed since the applicant’s most recent DUI arrest. The truth is that if the reinstatement applicant fails to complete their required drug & alcohol treatment to the satisfaction of the Illinois Secretary of State’s Office they will most certainly be denied driving relief regardless of how much time has elapsed since their most recent DUI.
Completing a current drug & alcohol evaluation and recommended treatment from a reputable treatment provider is usually always the first step towards a successful petition for driving relief. Once the applicant has a current evaluation and appropriate treatment documentation he must determine whether he is eligible for an informal hearing or will be required to attend a formal hearing for relief. The petitioner must also decide if they want to request a Restricted Driving Permit (RDP) or full reinstatement. After the foregoing determinations are made the petitioner must prepare his testimony for the hearing.
In my experience as a legal practitioner, it is pivotal that the petitioner testifies consistently with the information on his evaluation and treatment documentation. In my opinion, the Secretary of State wants a clear picture of a motorist’s relationship with alcohol. Inconsistencies in what a treatment provider says about an applicant and what the applicant says about themselves at a hearing is a common reason why many petitions are denied.
In my professional experience an applicant has a strong chance of success if they take the following steps: (1) obtain a current evaluation by a reputable treatment provider; (2) complete all required treatment; (3) obtain appropriate written documentation of their evaluation and treatment; (4) selects the correct forum for their hearing; (5) request the appropriate mode of relief; (6) adequately prepares for their hearing; and (7) testifies consistently with the paperwork they submit.
I believe that hiring a qualified attorney is vital for an applicant who wishes to increase his chances of success. When I am retained I assist my clients with all of the steps mentioned above and offer my professional expertise every step of the way. I have gone through the process dozens of times and I am able to prepare my clients for what questions to expect at the hearing. I have experienced treatment providers that I work with regularly who are luminaries in the field of drug & alcohol treatment. I am familiar with the Secretary of State’s administrative rules and help my clients decide whether they should apply for full relief or a Restricted Driving Permit (“RDP”). Call me at (847) 902-5665 for a free consultation.